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Media verklaring -  8 Februarie 2025
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VSA Uitvoerende opdrag en Afrikaners. 

(Engelse verklaring volg onder) 
VSA uitvoerende bevel en Afrikaners 
- Help Suid-Afrikaners om demokraties die probleme in Suid-Afrika reg te stel  

Baie Afrikaners en Suid-Afrikaners het vanoggend wakker geword met die nuus dat President Donald Trump van die VSA ʼn uitvoerende bevel onderteken het wat hoofsaaklik twee kwessies aanspreek  
1) Dat die VSA se Agentskap vir Internasionale Ontwikkeling, enige buitelandse hulp of bystand wat aan Suid-Afrika gelewer of verskaf word, staak.
2) Dat Afrikaners wat slagoffers van onregverdige rasdiskriminasie in Suid-Afrika ishervestig sal word deur die VSA se Vlugtelingtoelatingsprogram. 

Beide die stappe wat aangekondig is, het groot implikasies. Ons glo president Trump tree wel met goeie bedoelinge op want Suid-Afrika is ʼn land met enorme uitdagings, struikelblokke en probleme. Vir die rede het baie Afrikaners, maar ook ander Suid-Afrikaners die land reeds verlaat en hulself onder andere in die VSA gaan vestig waar hulle ʼn groot ekonomiese bydrae lewer. Daarom aanvaar ons dat daar Afrikaners is wat die aanbod van hervestiging sal oorweeg. Amerika en ander lande se wins is dus Suid-Afrika se verlies. 

Wat betref die staking van ekonomiese hulp aan Suid-Afrika. Dit is ʼn groot bekommernis en wil ons vra dat die saak heroorweeg word. Weerlose Suid-Afrikaners gaan die meeste en die ergste geaffekteer word. Die verkeerde mense word gestraf. 

Waar lê die oorsaak van die probleem? Vir baie jare reeds wys baie van ons op die regering se ideologiese transformasie-agenda. Die beleid het oor die laaste aantal jare direk gelei tot vervreemding van minderhede deur skroewe al sterker te draai met al meer Swart Ekonomiese Bemagtiging en Regstellende Aksie en meer as 117 rasgebaseerde wette wat sedert 1994 aanvaar is. Die onlangse onteieningswetgewing wat nil-vergoeding toelaat en ook die Onderwyswetgewing (BELA) wat allerlei sinistere motiewe het, min na geen ekonomiese groei en ontwikkeling, armoede, kultuur en taalbeskerming, bekamping van misdaad, afgetakelde staatsondersteunde entiteite, infrastruktuur verbrokkeling en gebrekkige dienslewering en nou ook ʼn nasionale gesondheidsversekeringstelsel. Die patroon dui op meer staatsintervensie en sentralisering en groter marginalisering van die diversiteit van Suid-Afrika, ook Afrikaners. 

Dit is goed dat die wêreld kennis neem van Suid-Afrika se probleme. In die lig, is pres. Trump se aanbod aan Afrikaners wel goed bedoel maar dit gaan egter nie Suid-Afrika se probleme oplos nie. Die VSA se hulp moet eerder daarop gerig wees om ons te help om die ANC/SAKP se bose en uitgediende transformasie beleid wat deur kommunisme besoedel is, en die probleme wat daardeur veroorsaak is, aan te spreek. Dit is die uitdaging wat baie Afrikaners reeds aanvaar het. Ons het ʼn demokrasie in Suid-Afrika en ons glo dat die kiesers stadig maar seker besig is om die ANC en sy beleide te verwerp. 

8 Februarie 2025 
US executive order and Afrikaners
- Help South Africans to democratically fix the problems in South Africa 

Afrikaners and South Africans woke up this morning to the news that President Donald Trump of the USA had signed an executive order that mainly addresses two issues: 
1. The US Agency for International Development stopped any foreign aid or assistance provided or supplied to South Africa.
2. Afrikaners who are victims of unfair racial discrimination in South Africa will be resettled through the US’ Refugee Admission Programme.
Both of the steps that were announced have enormous implications. We believe President Trump is acting with the best intentions because South Africa is a country that faces enormous challenges, obstacles and problems. For this reason, many Afrikaners — and also other South Africans — have already left the country and settled in the USA, among others, where they make valuable economic contributions. Thus, we must assume that there are more Afrikaners who will consider the offer of resettlement. America and other countries' gain is, therefore, South Africa's loss.
As regards the cutting of economic aid to South Africa: This is a major concern and we would like to ask that the matter be reconsidered. Defenceless South Africans will be most, and worst, affected.
What is the root cause of the problem? For a long time now, many of us have been pointing to the government's ideological transformation agenda. This policy has directly led to the alienation of minorities over the last few years by tightening the screws, with more and more ‘black economic empowerment and affirmative action’ and 117-plus race-based laws passed since 1994. In addition the recent expropriation legislation allows for nil-compensation, while the Education Act (BELA) is fraught with sinister motives. There has been little to no economic growth and development, deepening the poverty trap, and promises of culture and language protection have come to nothing. Crime is becoming ever more rampant. The dismantling of state-owned entities has gone hand in hand with infrastructure disintegration and inadequate service delivery. And now the state wants to nationalise the health insurance system. The pattern points to increased state intervention and centralisation, and greater marginalisation of the diversity that characterises South Africa, including Afrikaners.
It is good that the world is taking note of South Africa's problems. In light of this, Pres. Trump's offer to Afrikaners is indeed well-intentioned. However, it will not solve South Africa's problems. US aid should rather be aimed at helping us address the ANC/SACP's evil and outdated transformation policy, which is tainted by communism, and the problems it has caused. This is the challenge that many Afrikaners have already accepted. We have a democracy in South Africa and we believe that the voters are slowly but surely beginning to reject the ANC and its policies.

8 February 2025 
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